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Lakeland Grill

We are a family restaurant located on Main Street Bonnyville, AB. Our menu offers a variety of foods such as, pizza, pasta, steak, chicken & ribs... And many more! Plus, if you have a taste for dessert don't miss out on trying our homemade cheesecake. It will leave your sweet tooth satisfied! We're sure to complement your stomachs needs, so stop by!

L&D Marine Rentals Ltd.

L&D Marine Rentals Ltd. provides ski boat, fishing boat, Seadoo and water sport equipment rentals. Equipment is available for rent on either beautiful Moose Lake, or pick them up from our location in Bonnyville, AB and take to a lake of your choice! We have boats of various sizes, capacity and uses to meet your needs out on the water. We open up for business late May through until mid September, weather permitting. Life jackets included in all rentals. Please call/text message or email or check the website any time for more information and rates or pre-book your rental.

Bonnyville District Chamber of Commerce

What We Do For You
As your local chamber we:
-promote, support, and utilize member services
-offer affordable group insurance benefits to small and medium businesses
-have a value added package that includes discounts on fuel, merchant terminals, HR services, and radio advertising
-represent our members in the community by sitting on numerous boards
-help organize many community events and promotions
-have created a calendar for members to post events, promotions, and sales