Squair Appraisals

Squair Appraisals

Groups audience: 

CRA (Canadian Residential Appraiser)
DAC (Designated Appraiser Commercial with a specialty in agriculture)
Licensed Appraiser in the Province of Alberta (RECA)
Member of the Edmonton Real Estate Board
Tony commenced his appraisal profession at Lakeland College with a diploma in Appraisal & Assessment (with distinction), complimented by a certificate in Real Property Assessment from the University of British Columbia. Tony holds membership with both the Appraisal Institute of Canada and the Canadian National Association of Real Estate Appraisers, having satisfied all education and experience requirements for the respective designations. Since 2004, Tony founded Squair Appraisals & Consulting in Westlock, and he has sub-contracted appraisal and consulting services to several firms, including Knight & Co. Appraisals Ltd. Tony has a broad range of appraisal experience including single-family, multi-family, commercial, industrial, institutional, and extensive agricultural properties, with a focus on serving rural areas and communities throughout northern Alberta. Appraisal assignments have been completed for most purposes including acquisition, disposal, financing, relocation, asset evaluation, matrimonial settlement, estate, bankruptcy, and foreclosure. Tony is deeply rooted in agriculture and he continues to operate an equine facility and a mixed livestock farm near Westlock, Alberta.


(780) 995-6354